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Windows Partition Data Recovery

Windows Partition Data Recovery

Windows partition data recovery software recovers files lost or accidentally deleted from computer hard disk drive. Data loss conditions may occur anytime with any computer user whether due to disk formats, virus attack, software faults, emptied recycle bin folder or any other data loss problem. Computer data recovery tool is powerful solution to retrieve deleted, lost data from hard drives based on FAT or NTFS file system.

Price: $79
Windows Partition Data Recovery Screenshots
Choose any one searching mode
Choose any one searching mode to search and restore lost data files and folders.
Select partition
Select partition from which you want to recover lost data and click 'Next' button.
Browse path to save recovered data
Browse path where you want to save recovered data and go to next screen.
Files searching process
Files searching process is in progress. You can see the current running status of files searching process.
View recovered data
Click on 'Open Containing Folder' button to view the recovered data files and folders.

Software Features:

  • Data retrieval software supports recovery of files and folders from major hard disk brands such as Samsung, Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor, Toshiba, Quantum and other popular manufacturers.
  • Advance Data recovery utility provide easy to use graphical user interface that can be easily operated to get back your files and folders.
  • Recovers lost or accidentally deleted data including images, pictures, audio-video files etc from Windows HDD.
  • Software supports SATA, EIDE, IDE and SCSI hard disk standards.
  • Supports all major hard disk manufacturers available in the market.

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